Letter to the Editor: A letter for President Trump from a transgender resident in Central Florida

Orlando resident Victoria Kathleen Lynette Ranaldi is a transgender Floridian who wrote a letter of concern to President Donald Trump. She sent a copy of this letter to the Office of the President at The White House and asked to have it published on her local LGBTQ+ news publication Watermark Out News’ website. The letter has been edited for minor grammatical issues.

Mr. Trump,

What is the essence of a great leader? After a very [tumultuous] week for me, I sat down and looked at our founding fathers and re-read their memoirs, speeches and what they were able [to] accomplish. I was surprised at their thoughts on our nation, the attitude shift in thinking on issues. I also spent time praying and meditating asking GOD for guidance.

This is what I learned:

Critical and forward vision — seeing the corruption of our government and giving guidance on how to avoid the pitfalls.

Empathy and compassion — Seeing the suffering of the people and through compassion, included how to bring them back into the fold as Americans. Without retaliation for questioning that government.

Being able, with knowledge, [to] bring unity to the country.

Refraining from personal glory but seeing that our country becomes an inspiration to others.

Refraining from pushing a republican/democrat agenda, however created an agenda that continues to provide the freedoms the Constitution guarantees to all citizens.

Look at 262 million people of legal age in the United states to vote, the 245 million registered voters, the 30% of legal age people who are not registered, the 89 million registered voters that did not vote and contemplate why? Why do these people feel ostracized by their government? Their thoughts, fears, dreams of a great America need to be heard.

These are just a few qualities/essences of a great leader.

I thought you possessed these qualities based on information from friends and associates that knew you up until your run in 2016. As a manager, I understand you must be tough but there is also a time to show empathy and compassion to your employees.

Your outburst against the bishop sounded like a spoiled brat not getting their way but the bishop had every right as a citizen and a person sharing GOD’s word to invoke your intellect to action. It was too bad it fell on deaf ears.

I have two parents that served our country. At my father’s burial in Arlington National Cemetery, my mom was presented a flag and was told “on behalf of a grateful nation.” How can you expect people to volunteer, offering their lives to protect their country, hear you say “we don’t want you because you are gay/transgender.” How can I accept that my government continues to say “I love America and want to see her great again” but clearly hate the very people who help her make it great. Please explain this to me. Your religious beliefs, while valid, do not override your duty as President to include all Americans in our resolve to make this country great.

I cannot comprehend why you, the republican party and conservative Christians continue to push Old Testament laws on the American people but do not take the words of GOD’s son to Heart. How you say ‘I believe in GOD, HIS SON” but refuse to accept his words in the New Testament. How can you spew hatred for people and wonder why they refuse to accept GOD.

I am transgender and a Child of GOD. I pray multiple times daily in silence asking to give me wisdom and patience. To say GOD does not make mistakes, especially in gender, is a slap to GOD’s face. GOD sometimes puts people in a position to see if they are truly one of his children and will continue to love HIM in the trials/tribulations HE puts in their life. This makes me question, when did GOD make the Christian sect a judge? I am surprised to know HE had posted that position. If your personal beliefs cannot allow you to accept and love your fellow man, then you are no different than the beliefs of a fascist and should not be in the position of power.

In a speech given by Harry Truman, he said “But the idea of freedom is in danger from others as well as the Communists. There are some who hate communism, but who, at the same time, are unwilling to acknowledge the ideals of the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. They are the people who believe it is too dangerous to proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all its inhabitants. What these people really believe is that the Preamble ought to be changed from “We, the people” to read, “Some of us — some of the people of the United States but not including those we disapprove of or disagree with — do ordain and establish this [p.1079] Constitution.”

In brining my thoughts to a close, What is the essence of a Great leader?

What can you do to include all Americans and bring unity to this country?

What kind of legacy as president do you want to leave?

Do you want to become a beloved president like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy?

Start by being a leader and refrain from spewing hate. Stop the partisanship of political parties that have caused a stalemate in Congress from completing their task and then stop the bickering/backbiting.

Lastly, stop using your office to retaliate against the people who have committed ill-will towards you. The power of the Presidency is not for vengeance.


Michael David Lennon / Victoria Kathleen Lynette Ranaldi

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