Editor’s Desk: Happy New Fear!

A wise Whoopi once said, “America… you in danger, girl.” Or something along those lines.

It’s a sentiment that’s been on my mind a lot these last few months. Not just as a proud Kamala Harris voter or Democrat, but as a citizen of our country who believes in its Constitution.

Having reported on and simply paid attention to Donald Trump’s anti-American rhetoric for the last decade, to say nothing of the insurrection he so clearly incited four years ago, it’s obvious he does not. That he will be inaugurated for the second time this month, just 10 days after being sentenced for committing 34 felonies, is a testament to how many Republicans have chosen party over country. Sad!

I learned from an early age that the GOP’s support rarely extended to someone like me, a gay man from a working-class family, but I used to believe that they were at least championing their version of America. Today it seems they only champion their incoming figurehead.

That was obvious enough by their almost rank-and-file obedience from 2016-2020, but it reignited in 2024 after Trump became the Republican presidential nominee. Not only did the party kill a bipartisan border security bill for political gain at his behest but they also ended the year by attacking LGBTQ+ Americans through the National Defense Authorization Act.

The bill was designed to authorize pay raises for service members and boost military spending, which most politicians tend to support, but Speaker Mike Johnson opted to add another provision, stripping insurance coverage for dependents of service members who require gender-affirming care.

It easily passed, disappointingly with some Democrat support — including from allies in Tampa Bay and Orlando like U.S. Reps. Kathy Castor and Darren Soto. President Joe Biden also signed it into law.

He did, at least, make his objections clear. The president noted the anti-LGBTQ+ provision “inhibits the Department of Defense’s ability to treat all persons equally under the law, no matter their gender identity” and that it “interferes with parents’ roles to determine the best care for their children.”

“No service member should have to decide between their family’s health care access and their call to serve our Nation,” Biden stressed.

Unfortunately, they will — and it’s only the beginning. Trump has vowed to enact anti-LGBTQ+ policies on his first day in office and I believe him. You should, too. While he has spent the last few weeks rattling on about expanding the U.S. via Greenland and Canada or renaming the Gulf of Mexico, he doesn’t care about any of that. He just cares that the world is talking about him.

We can’t obsess over every ridiculous thing that comes out of Trump’s mouth again. Instead, we have to focus on his actions, not distractions, which are incompetent and dangerous enough on their own. Many will target our community.

That’s why we detail Project 2025 in this issue, which features an incredible cover from Tampa Bay artist Chad Mize. The presidential transition project was led by the Heritage Foundation, a right-wing organization that was among the conservatives to praise the NDAA’s anti-LGBTQ+ provision.

Its “Mandate for Leadership” was largely written by members of Trump’s first administration, and he has already tapped many of its authors for key roles in his second.

It’s critical that we understand what’s coming and stand with every LGBTQ+ American, especially those who are transgender. I promise you that I will, and so will Watermark Out News.

I hope you’ll join us by supporting our efforts, whether that’s by picking up our issues, engaging with us on social media or making a financial contribution on our website. It all makes a difference, which allows us to help make a difference for you.

In this issue we also detail the grand opening of the Fabulous Arts Foundation’s new LGBTQ+ center in Sarasota and preview TIGLFF’s upcoming 35th celebration of LGBTQ+ film in St. Petersburg. In Central Florida news, the Orlando Gayming League becomes its own nonprofit.

We also introduce two new viewpoint writers, Trevor Rosine of PFLAG Tampa and Mulan Williams of Divas in Dialogue. The Good Page, a new feature dedicated to positive LGBTQ+ news, celebrates the marriage of our own Creative Designer Caitlin Sause.

Watermark Out News is proud to be your LGBTQ+ news source, so thanks for reading and supporting our advertisers. Please stay safe, stay informed and enjoy this latest issue.

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