FTM community takes center stage for fundraiser

FTM community takes center stage for fundraiser

A cast of local and national performers are slated to appear at the FTM Fund calendar launch party and auction on Saturday, Nov. 13 at Georgie’s Alibi.

See a sampling of the calendar photos here.

Andy Citino, known on stage as 6-Pak, helped organize and recruit the talent for the fundraiser, which assists Female-to-Male transgender individuals with gender reassignment surgery.

“Visibility is the goal,” Citino said. “It’s letting the community know we’re here. We are part of the community and we love our community. But we also plan to have fun.”

Area FTMs have posed for a calendar shoot and single models will be auctioned off the night of the party. Performers will raise money through tips, which will also benefit the fund.

Those scheduled appear include local performers Iman, Desiree Demornay, Natacha Richards, Teddy D. and Felicity Lane. Also appearing are Chicago performer Candi Stratton and Southern California’s Miss Conception, who is the only non-transgender performer slated to perform.

For more information on the event visit FTMFund.org.

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