Disney releases new Pride Collection, will donate profits to LGBTQ youth organizations

(Photo from Disney Parks Blog)

ORLANDO | Disney has released its latest Pride-inspired product line ahead of LGBTQ Pride Month.

The collection, first created in 2018, was referred to as the “Rainbow Disney Collection,” however this year carries the name “The Disney Pride Collection.”

“[T]his year, we are excited to debut new branding for the Disney Pride Collection, dreamed up and designed by members and allies of the community, for members and allies of the community,” wrote Lisa Becket, Disney’s senior VP for global marketing and an open member of the LGBTQ community, in a post to Disney Park Blog.

(Photos from Disney Park Blog)

Disney also announced that all profits from sales of The Disney Pride Collection through June 30 would be donated to organizations that support LGBTQ youth and families. In the U.S., those organizations are the Zebra Coalition, GLSEN,  PFLAG National, The Trevor Project, the Los Angeles LGBT Center, the LGBTQ Center Orange County, the San Francisco LGBT Center and the Ali Forney Center.

This year’s collection includes Disney, Marvel, Star Wars and Pixar shirts, hats, pins, Mickey Mouse backpacks, a Pride tumbler, a Pride coffee mug and a rainbow-colored throw. The collection also features a special edition, rainbow Pride key that reads: Belong Believe Be Proud.

“The first items in the Disney Pride Collection are available now,” writes Becket, adding “be on the lookout for additional pieces in the near future showcasing how we are always proud.”

To purchase items from this year’s Disney Pride Collection, go to shopDisney.com. To read more on the organizations Disney is supporting through its Pride Collection, go to TWDCPrideCollection.com.

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