Stallman leaves TIGLFF post after just a few months

Stallman leaves TIGLFF post after just a few months

TIGLIFFexDirAbstr_421806673.jpgSt. Petersburg The Tampa International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival is without an executive director—at least for the time being. Newly hired director Rosie Stallman resigned earlier this month after just a few months in the role. Details on her departure are limited, but according to Friends of the Festival Vice President David Gonzalez, the position just “didn’t work out.”

“She decided to move on,” he said in a prepared statement.  “Rosie brought some great things to this organization and we are appreciative of her service and what she was able to achieve in the time she was with the Festival.”

The Friends of the Festival hired Stallman to the executive position in February. Stallman told Watermark in March that she pursued the position as soon as she learned that former executive director Chuck Henson was leaving the post to pursue a career at Bay News 9’s Traffic Center.

“I was still on a high from [the 2009] Festival and I was like, ‘This is perfect,’” Stallman said.

Stallman’s resignation leaves a vacant executive director’s chair at TIGLFF, but Gonzalez said the organization is already considering an appropriate replacement for the position.

“We are currently seeking to fill the position and we already have someone in mind,” Gonzalez said. “Once the position is filled we’ll have a press release ready to go out.”

In the meantime, he added, the board, staff and volunteers of Friends of the Festival are working to create an amazing 21st Anniversary event for TIGLFF in the fall.

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