Tampa Bay Bears introduce Monkey Suit Masquerade Ball in November

Tampa Bay Bears introduce Monkey Suit Masquerade Ball in November

The Tampa Bay Bears are shaking things up a bit this year. The social club, which normally holds a holiday charity auction, has decided instead to create a masquerade ball for the entire community that benefits three local charities. The “Monkey Suit Ball” is Friday, Nov. 12, at the Westshore Wyndham Hotel.

“From talking to people last year, the auction has been great and raised a good amount of money, but people want something more entertaining than looking at items on tables,” said John Burchett, a co-organizer of the event and treasurer of the Tampa Bay Bears who has helped with the annual holiday auction the past nine years. “Tampa doesn’t really have anything like Orlando’s Headdress Ball and we want to offer the community a chance to dress up, raise some money for good causes and have a good time.”

The black-tie-suggested ball will incorporate the masquerade theme by encouraging attendees to either wear a homemade mask or a purchased one. A panel of judges will award prizes for the most eye-catching ones on display.

The evening begins with a cocktail hour at 7 p.m. before a sit-down dinner at 8 p.m. As dinner wraps up, popular lesbian comedian ChristineOleary will perform some new material specifically aimed at the charity event.

ChristineOleary—who does, in fact, prefer seeing her name in print without spaces—is well-known in the area thanks to several appearances at St. Pete Pride events. In June, she performed at Laughter in Paradise.

“Bears,” she has often said, “are gay boys who eat.”

After the performance, awards will be announced for the mask contest and then a DJ will open the floor to dancing, Burchett said.

While the Monkeysuit Ball is presented by the Tampa Bay Bears, it is not a bear-themed or all-male event, Burchett emphasized.

“For some reason people tend to think this is by bears and for bears,” he said. “Its not. This is just like the auction. We invite gay men, lesbians, straight people, couples and anyone who is interested in helping three very worthy charities.

A silent auction is scheduled throughout the evening and ChristineOleary will assist with a live auction to raise money.

The charities benefitting from the inaugural event are AIDS Service Association of Pinellas, the Center for Autism and Related Diseases at USF and the Gay American Heroes Project.

Tickets are $60 and are available online at MonkeySuitBall.com or at the MC Film Festival store in Ybor City.

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