Dog Powered Robot and the Subsequent Adventure

Dog Powered Robot and the Subsequent Adventure

Remember how much fun you used to have as a kid with a big cardboard box and a bunch of magic markers? Now imagine that on steroids. Playful cardboard-laden robot fantasy Dog Powered Robot and the Subsequent Adventure is an unabashedly fun-filled, pun-laden, rock â┚¬Ëœem-sock â┚¬Ëœem hero adventure reminiscent of childhood cartoons and video games.

In this installment, junkyard owner and general evildoer Humphrey Dumpster (John Moughan) is searching for his lost arms. Returning robots Vic 16 (Cory Valance) and Commodore 64 (Zach Scot) get lost in Dumpster's yard andâ┚¬Â¦well, an adventure occurs. Fan favorites Lollibot (Serafina Schiano) and Dog Powered Robot (Evan Miga) are called to the rescue, but can they defeat Dumpster and his wickedly sarcastic and outlandishly funny robot minions? This show is a sensory banquet, with tons of creative, over-the-top visuals and laugh out loud dialogue. Tap into your inner child and join this group of talented artists for a joyful hour of suspended belief and rollicking good fun.

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