June 28, 2012 will be remembered as an historic day in America. The Supreme Court affirmed that healthcare should be a right, not a privilege reserved for only the wealthy. The decision means that our President and our Supreme Court recognize that how we treat those most in need, speaks volumes about who we are as Americans.
The monumental ruling comes on the heels of a fantastic month of celebration, recognizing what has been one of the most historic periods ever for the advancement of gay and lesbian rights. From the repeal of â┚¬Å”Don't Ask, Don't Tell,â┚¬Â to President Obama's announcement of support for marriage equality, we have reason for great optimism.
With that bright outlook for the future, however, comes one very important caution: Right-wing conservatives, struck by defeat after defeat after defeat are now more energized than ever. We must be as well. What action we take during next four months could influence our entire movement and its success or failure for the next twenty years. It is that serious.
President Obama's re-election is no longer a certainly. Not only has Republican Mitt Romney made substantial gains in the polls, the GOP's multi-million dollar donors are writing massive checks, and special interest cash is gushing-in, setting new records. In May, Romney and his â┚¬Å”Super Pacsâ┚¬Â raised $76 million dollars, considerably more than the $60 million raised by President Obama and his supporters. Just a few weeks ago, one of Romney’s biggest supporters, billionaire casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, wrote a single check for $10 million. For Adelson, and for Romney’s other billionaire donors, that’s equivalent to $40 from an American family worth $100,000.
The donors funding Romney, many of which choose to remain anonymous using â┚¬Å”Super Pacs,â┚¬Â have pledged to spend $1 billion dollars in their all-out efforts to protect the wealthy from paying taxes, stop gays and lesbians from full marriage equality, and turn back the clock to 1950 for women and minorities in general. Romney has signed the National Organization for Marriage Pledge to fight against our right to marry, but beyond that, there is another even more important reason President Obama must be re-elected.
The next President will have the opportunity to appoint several Supreme Court Justices. If Romney is elected, it's likely those justices would be replaced by conservatives, dramatically swaying the majority on the court to right, and seriously lessening our shot at equal rights for decades to come. It's not just gay and lesbian rights at stake, but the rights of all minorities. No equal pay for women. No affirmation action in hiring. And women would have even less control over their own bodies. Romney has said repeatedly he is committed to repealing healthcare reform and repealing Roe v. Wade. He would outlaw a woman's right to choice.
You may not believe the polling data that shows the Presidential race is close. Of course, no one in Texas thought George W. Bush had a chance of beating Democratic incumbent Governor Ann Richards in 1994, even though some polls had her ahead, and even though she had outspent Bush by 23%. Richards lost by less than 300-thousand votes statewide. Democrats were clearly overconfident and didn't vote in the large numbers expected. More recently, the polls to recall union-busting Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker showed the Republican stood a good chance of being thrown out of office, but when the votes were tallied, the darling of the Tea Party remained in office with 53% of the vote, compared to 46% for challenger.
It is impossible to overstate the importance of registering to vote and voting. Beyond that, however, is the responsibility that each of us has to get involved. Like it or not, more than ever before, winning an election in this country takes money. Winning a presidency takes HUGE money. President Obama needs every dollar you can spare. During the next four months, the GOP will be spending hundreds of millions of dollars on TV ads attacking the President's achievements and highlighting his weaknesses, most of which stem from a lack of bipartisan cooperation on virtually everything. We must counter that by providing the resources for the President to strike back with ads telling the truth about our economic recovery underway, how he saved the U.S. auto industry, worked for gay/lesbian rights, and as the Commander-In-Chief, achieved the end of Osama Bin Ladin.
If you don't have money to give, you can volunteer to make calls for the President. You can host a fundraising event in your home.
Show your support by purchasing one of the many t-shirts, yard signs or bumper stickers from Write letters/emails to your local newspaper/website expressing your support for the President- and explain why. Most of all, talk to people. Tell everyone you know why this election is critical for gays and lesbians as well as anyone who believes in equal rights, and continuing the economic recovery.