The American Family Association, an anti-gay group promoting “traditional family values,” has asked its supporters to refuse mail with the Harvey Milk stamp attached.
In a post on its website May 27, the AFA said the stamp was disturbing, calling Milk a predator.
“Harvey Milk was a very disreputable man and used his charm and power to prey on young boys with emotional problems and drug addiction,” the AFA said in the post. “He is the last person we should be featuring on a stamp.”
According to its website, the mission of the AFA is to “inform, equip, and activate individuals to strengthen the moral foundations of American culture, and give aid to the church here and abroad in its task of fulfilling the Great Commission.”
One of the five tenants in their action statement listed on their website is to “restrain evil by exposing the works of darkness.”
Milk was the first openly gay official in the United States and is a civil rights icon.
The commemorative stamp, which was released on May 22 on Harvey Milk Day, honored the work Milk did to advance the rights of LGBT community in California before his assassination.
His story was portrayed by Sean Penn in the 2008 movie “Milk,” which was nominated for numerous awards including Best Motion Picture of the Year.
The AFA said the United States Postal Service released the stamp because of one board member on the Harvey Milk Foundation.
“The Harvey Milk stamp was a result of seven years of lobbying by a self-described drag queen (a biological man with implanted breasts) and former transsexual prostitute Nicole Murray Ramirez of San Diego,” the AFA said in a post on their website.
Nicole Murray Ramirez posted a commentary on San Diego’s LGBT Weekly on May 8 about the historic release of the Harvey Milk stamp and thanking all those involved in the release.
“This indeed was a national effort and the broad support from both GLBT and straight Americans and organizations that supported our campaign I will always be so grateful for,” Raminez said in the commentary.
The AFA’s post was concluded by saying that the Postal Service honored a predator at the whim of a drag queen with this stamp.
“The radical homosexual lobby will undoubtedly encourage businesses to use these stamps – all in the name of inclusiveness, political correctness and diversity,” the AFA stated in the post. “This is not diversity; this is perversity.”
The AFA advised anyone who receives mail with the stamp to take these actions:
“1. Refuse to accept the Harvey Milk stamp if offered by your local post office. Instead, ask for a stamp of the United States flag.
2. Refuse to accept mail at your home or business if it is postmarked with the Harvey Milk stamp. Simply write ‘Return to Sender’ on the envelope and tell your postman you won’t accept it.”