ORLANDO – Never ones to shy away from controversy, the Liberty Counsel – headed by Mat Staver in Orlando – is raising its hackles against the Affordable Care Act’s clause that is “forcing all doctors and staff [to] perform gender reassignment surgeries and hormone treatments on patients, even children,” according to a press release.
Eight states joined in arguments in a Texas federal court on Dec. 20 after “The Department of Health and Human Services intentionally refused any religious exemptions, despite dozens of requests, and essentially is demanding faith-based organizations and religious people [to] bow to LGBTQ demands.”
The release goes on to repeat the Liberty Counsel’s frequent claims that transgender identity is a phase, something that children grow out of as they mature.
“It is horrific that our government is trying to bully every practicing surgeon in America to cut and carve people, even children, based on a tenuous whim or wish. Our First Amendment protects everyone, even doctors, from being forced to take disastrous actions opposing their religious beliefs.” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “These patients, and especially children, need to find a safe environment to address the roots of their desire for sex-change surgery. Oftentimes, surgical mutilation does nothing to heal the hurt and heart of the matter. These people need to be lovingly counselled, not cut up.” said Staver.