In a Heartbeat is an amazing animated short that brings to light the parallels of relationships between any beings regardless of gender.
This film, created by Beth David and Esteban Bravo, was produced by Ringling College of Art and Design and has been watched more than 32 million times on YouTube.
In a Heartbeat is about a closeted boy who runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to chase down the boy of his dreams. It is absent of any dialogue or narration and shows how powerful true emotion can be, especially for those not yet comfortable with who their heart chases after.
The arts, including film and television, are fundamental to the individual and societal shift on any platform. For equality and human rights, the arts allow individuals to face their fears or the unknown in small doses and at a comfortable pace. Throughout history this has started with still art, progressing to the performing arts, and expediting awareness and change with mass production and appeal of film. It is imperative that we continue to support such strong works of film and their respective organizations focused on providing this platform growth on human rights and equality.
It is truly an honor to have The Ringling College of Art & Design and these two talented artists, Beth David and Estaban Bravo within our regional community.
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