‘Riverdale’ is giving Kevin Keller a boyfriend in season three

“Riverdale” will finally bring together Kevin Keller and Moose Mason in season three.

Casey Cott, who portrays Kevin, revealed to TVLine that the pair will become a couple this season but it will be a “complicated” relationship

“We are dating in season three, so it’s fun to start off with that and explore that with Moose,” Cott says.

The couple’s relationship has been a slow burn throughout the show.  They were first introduced at the start of the pilot where they were seen hooking up in the woods before they found a dead body in the river.

Now that the couple is finally together there are some issues they must deal with including Moose being closeted and still mourning over the murder of his girlfriend Midge. Season two ended with the couple sharing a passionate kiss in the bathroom as Kevin tries to console Moose over the loss of his girlfriend.

The series also features a lesbian relationship between Cheryl Blossom and Toni Topaz.

“Riverdale” season three premieres on Oct. 10 on CW.

Watch the trailer below.

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