10.01.20 Publisher’s Desk

Watermark doesn’t do political endorsements. I know that news is shocking to some and upsetting to others, after all Watermark is a newspaper and endorsements seem to be a biannual ritual of publications.

Instead what has become commonplace every other year is for me to proclaim that Watermark will not be endorsing any candidate for said political season and leave it at that, offering no explanation. This year I will make the same statement, but I will also offer why.

Watermark is an LGBTQ niche newspaper. Our founding directive was to provide a voice for this underserved community and we carry that mission through to today. Our purpose is to tell the story of the local LGBTQ community and to inform and advocate for the advancement of LGBTQ issues. Our tagline is “Your LGBTQ Life.” For those on the LGBTQ spectrum that’s literal. We talk about what matters to you. For non-LGBTQ people, “Your LGBTQ Life” could refer to the relationships they have with LGBTQ people in their lives or the community as a whole. Watermark has broad appeal to the entire community, as it relates to issues facing the LGBTQ community.

It’s an outdated term, but we used to call it the “Gayngle.” If a story was pitched it had to have a strong gay (referring to the community as a whole) angle or appeal. Our coverage of politics is no different. How do a particular candidate’s policies affect the LGBTQ community? It’s our job to tell you and that’s what we do. If LGBTQ rights are an important topic to you, then I would hope this scorecard would prove beneficial in making your choices. In the overwhelming majority of non-primary elections it will be pretty obvious which candidates support our mission and which don’t. Mostly, it’s obvious who I think we should all vote for.

Sometimes the scorecard gets more complicated. When you have multiple candidates with the same stance on LGBTQ issues, who should you vote for? That’s going to depend on what else is important to you; whether it be taxes, education, the environment or one of thousands of other topics. Watermark exists to inform you on the intersectional LGBTQ issues as they relate to all members of our community. Look for our scorecard in the coming weeks when we cover the elections across Central Florida and Tampa Bay.

In the meantime, please enjoy this endorsement from The National LGBT Media Association for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The NGMA is a newspaper association made up of 12 legacy publications across the United States. These are privately-owned, LGBTQ-owned papers with a minimum of 25 years in operation for their respective communities. As early voting begins, this organization stands up for Joe Biden. As a member of this organization, Watermark stands proudly with them. It is simply not enough to vote in this election. You must do so and encourage others to do so.

I believe in honesty, integrity, decency, empathy and honor. A leader with this skill set will do right by all American people, including the LGBTQ community. This is why I support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

This election cycle adds an almost unbearable amount of stress to an already destructive year. There has been too much loss and angst, and I long for a time when we can heal and move forward. Reading of the passing of Erica Franco’s father was heart crushing. She is a former Watermark account manager who lost her father to COVID. I read every Facebook post Mike Halterman wrote as he took us on his journey with his brother’s COVID diagnosis. It was devastating to wake up and read his brother ultimately lost that battle. Central Florida said goodbye to the iconic Marcy Singhaus and the world said goodbye to Justice Ginsburg; two extraordinary women whose impact will stretch far beyond their years.

I was recently informed of another passing in Central Florida, that of Mike Ames. Mike was the Business Manager at Watermark when I started back in 2002. He is the one who hired me, who made me fall in love with my job and who introduced me to the importance of volunteering. I was in awe of his strength and his ability to adapt and learn. I recall a time where we bought a handful of computers on eBay for the sales team. When they arrived they didn’t work, so Mike cracked them open, looked at me and said, “Let’s fix them.” We hadn’t done it before, but we made them work. He taught me a lot about what to do and what not to do and for that I will be forever grateful. Anytime I hear someone yell my name out, I will fondly think of Mike calling for me to come into his office and help him figure something out. RIP Mike.

In addition to the National LGBT Media Association endorsement of Biden/Harris and local news stories, in this issue we introduce you to 31 days of Halloween. The team has pulled together a comprehensive list of events you can enjoy this spooky season.

We strive to bring you a variety of stories, your stories. I hope you enjoy this latest issue.

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