In the progressive neighborhood of the Mills/50 area, local resident Sam Singhaus, also known to many as the talented Miss Sammy, received an interesting letter regarding a “DUMP TRUMP” banner he hung outside of his home.
Sam explained that after months of writing to his senators and not seeing any change to the current administration, he felt it necessary to express his political opinion. But according to one salty neighbor, in Trump’s America, Sam is wrong.
The anonymous letter, which looks like it was typed out on a typewriter read:
Dear Neighbor,
Your political views stink, just like your ass.
Too bad we all can’t put great big obnoxious signs in our yards, stating our political views.
How about this for a sign: Fuck You FAGGOTS.
We asked if he had an idea who would send the letter; Sam said he’s narrowed it down to a few neighbors that may have smelled his ass.