Issue 18.25: Hometown Heroes

Issue 18.25: Hometown Heroes

Featuring articles on Hometown Heroes, Holiday Inc., Orlando’s new domestic partner registry,  and much more!

On The Cover: After working for years as a graphic designer, Orlando resident Derek Cavilla is now realizing his dream as a 5th grade teacher at Orlando’s Nap Ford Community School, which he sees as his way of giving back. Photo by Jake Stevens

pg.6 | Orlando News
The City of Orlando is one more step closer to providing a domestic partnership registry to same-sex and opposite-sex couples alike after unanimously voting its approval at a second reading Dec. 5. Exodus International, the ex-gay conglomerate based in Orlando, could be facing some debilitating financial woes.

pg.8 | Tampa News
The annual Santa Speedo Run benefitting ASAP’s Brighter Seasons for Children’s charity is scheduled to break records in Gulfport Dec. 17; Pinellas County School Board Member Lew Williams, who recently voted to sever ties with the Boy Scouts of America because of its discriminatory rules on gay members, dies after heart surgery; more.

pg.22 | Scene+Heard
There are rainbow handprints all over the new musical Holiday Inc., opening at the Straz Center in Tampa on Dec. 16. We speak with out playwright Jonathan Van Dyke about the spectacular Broadway-style production’s mass appeal.George Clooney could be staring at Oscar gold for his starring role in The Descendants while Martin Scorsese’s Hugo is eye candy for adults and children alike.

pg.39 | Giving
The LGBT community is a generous one, especially when it comes to charitable donations during the holidays. Watermark talks with several notable members of the community who go above and beyond when it comes to helping othersâ┚¬â€and gives them some of the credit they definitely deserve. The list is by no means complete, but we hope it inspires our readers to dig deep this holiday season to help those who are less fortunate.

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