All you boys and girls who spent any time as a Boy Scout or Girl Scout know the most important thing is to always be prepared.
We here at Watermark we want you to have the best time possible at St. Pete Pride, so just like good scouts we have put together a list of items you will need to avoid those nighttime hazards during the parade and enjoy the daytime festival without wishing you packed something to combat the horrendous heat.
Before we get to the list some quick, helpful tips that will allow you maximize the fun and decrease your annoyance during the weekend. First, leave your pets at home. I know that it’s tempting to bring along Fido, but trust us, the middle of Grand Central Ave at the end of June is no place for an animal physically incapable of sweating.
Prepare yourselves for protesters. While they seem to be diminishing in numbers each year, there are always a few roaming around with their “God hates Fags” signs. Take this as a opportunity to snag a selfie with your boo in front of the confused disciples of the Lord.
Now, without further ado, your handy little reminders to get yourself ready for Pride. YAY!
Illustrations by Patrick O’Conner.
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