PHOTOS: Trump Baby, Proud Boys make appearance at ‘Win With Love’ event

PHOTOS: Trump Baby, Proud Boys make appearance at ‘Win With Love’ event


ORLANDO | The stage was set on Church Street in Orlando June 18 with Donald Trump announcing his re-election campaign at the Amway Center in front of thousands of supporters while a large crowd of resisters gathered for the “Win With Love Rally” at Stonewall Orlando down the street.

Watermark did not attend the rally at the Amway Center as our request for media access was denied. The counter event at Stonewall had many resisters show up with anti-Trump signs, colorful costumes and smaller versions of the famous Trump Baby balloon—which also made an appearance at the rally.

The 20-feet tall, helium-filled balloon—which first flew in the United Kingdom in 2018 —is a bright orange Trump Baby with yellow hair, an agitated face and small hands. It holds a smartphone and wears a diaper.

The crowd gathered around as the balloon was blown up, at times chanting “pump that Trump” and singing “Baby Trump” to the tune of the popular children song “Baby Shark.”

The Proud Boys—an alt-right, pro-Trump organization deemed a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the FBI—crashed the “Win With Love Rally,” getting into a shouting match with several anti-Trump supporters before the Orlando Police stepped in to keep the peace.

Check out photos from the gathering below.

Photos by Jeremy Williams.

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