Cole Foust, Metro Inclusive Health LGBTQ+ Division Manager

Step into the Metro LGBTQ Welcome Center in St. Petersburg or take a stroll down Central Avenue, and chances are you’ll see a powerful message delivered on shirts and stickers bearing the signature FOUST logo: “Love is my philosophy.” If you live in Tampa Bay, I can guarantee that the love, empathy and leadership of Cole Foust has touched your life somehow.

Cole is an activist, community organizer, artist, musician and an incredible friend and coworker. When I think of him, I recall the Harvey Milk quote: “If you are not personally free to be yourself in that most important of human activities – the expression of love – then life itself loses meaning.”

Cole has dedicated his life to making sure people across our community have access to resources, networks of support and community spaces that allow them to safely and authentically be themselves. From his impact as Metro’s LGBTQ+ Division Manager to his passion for art that elevates LGBTQ+ voices, he is a powerhouse. I often wonder where he gets the energy to keep his forward momentum, but the answer is deceptively simple. He is propelled by love and a vision of equality and justice.

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall, Cole organized “From Stonewall to Pulse: A Community Discussion,” which invited panelists from across our community to discuss the history and future of LGBTQ+ activism. It was one of the most spectacular events I’ve been a part of; from a veteran of the Stonewall Riots to a survivor of the 2016 Pulse Massacre, the dialogue spanned generations. The conversation that emerged was vulnerable, moving and revolutionary.

Cole also led the expansion of Metro’s Inclusivity and Awareness Trainings this year, which allow local businesses and organizations to create safer, more welcoming environments for LGBTQ+ customers. He shares the story of his own transition and sheds light on the obstacles faced by the transgender community, encouraging people to explore how systems of oppression and inequality have influenced their own lives. This November, Cole captained a young adult SMART Ride team that raised over $10,000 for HIV service organizations in Florida and focused on educating younger generations, providing access to prevention and care, and ending the stigma around HIV.

Cole is currently pursuing his Masters of Social Work, working on a book that features painted portraits and interviews of trans and gender diverse people across our community, and continuing his tireless work toward making Tampa Bay an inclusive community for all. As Cole would say, change happens one compassionate conversation at a time.

To one of the sweetest, softest, most driven people I know: Cole, I’m so lucky to call you a friend.

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