FBI reports rise in anti-LGBTQ+ hate crimes

(Public domain photo)

The FBI’s annual Crime in the Nation report, released Sept. 23, shows a significant increase in hate crimes targeting the LGBTQ+ community in 2023.

More than 2,402 incidents related to sexual orientation were reported, up by more than 500 cases from the previous year.

The gender identity category included over 400 anti-transgender incidents and 146 targeting gender non-conforming individuals.

For the second consecutive year, more than one in five hate crimes were motivated by bias against the LGBTQ+ community.

The report references Human Rights Campaign research highlighting the disproportionate impact on Black trans women.

Kelley Robinson, president of the Human Rights Campaign, called for comprehensive non-discrimination protections, improved law enforcement reporting, and an end to divisive rhetoric.

“We must turn the tide so that LGBTQ+ people can feel safe everywhere,” Robinson said.

The National LGBT Media Association represents 13 legacy publications in major markets across the country with a collective readership of more than 400K in print and more than 1 million + online. Learn more here: NationalLGBTMediaAssociation.com.

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