Last year, Watermark took a flying leap and bumped its Watermark Awards for Variety and Excellence (otherwise known as that cool WAVE crashing over you right now) up to spring. Spring is a time of optimism and growth, superlatives and cooler heads. It was obviously the right thing to do. Our voter response was huge this year.
Thousands of readers from sea to shining gulf chimed in with their picks for the best things they know in their regions and routines, and we listened. We listened twice, even: The first time was the glorious study of iterations in proper name spelling via a nomination cycle; the second was the finals. And though you may see some of the old favorites of the old guard (we love the old guard and the new guard equally, friends), there are some surprises littering the results linked below.
So, as these things go, this is the part where we get to the awards. There have been a lot of changes at Watermark, this editor coming on board included, but there is so much foundation, so much grit, so much work to be celebrated. Thanks for caring about your community. And we look forward to serving you for many more years. Wait, here comes a WAVE. See you in a bit.