Congressman Allen West under fire for anti-gay comments

Congressman Allen West under fire for anti-gay comments

Republican congressman Allen West has been making headlines with his anti-gay stance. West told the South Florida Sun Sentinel: â┚¬Å”I can't change my color. People can change their sexual behavior. And I've seen people do that. I like chocolate chip ice cream and I will continue to like chocolate chip ice cream. So there's no worry about me changing to vanilla. I like to, you know, ride my motorcycle. What do you want me to do? You want me to change my behavior and ride a scooter? I'm not into that,â┚¬Â implying that being gay is a choice.

West was already under fire for declining to defend previous remarks at a Wilton Manors forum, which turned into a rally attended by more than 100 people. Activist Stuart Milk was the featured speaker and said the LGBT community would not tolerate West's â┚¬Å”hatred.â┚¬Â

West said he opposes gay marriage but is okay with civil unions for gay couples. He doesn't object to gay couples adopting children.

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