Workforce discrimination bill back in FL House, Senate

Workforce discrimination bill back in FL House, Senate

Representative Scott Randolph (D-Orlando) filed a bill Oct. 4 that would prohibit workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. The Competitive Workforce Act (H.B. 247) would extend those protections to public accommodations and housing.

â┚¬Å”It is unimaginable that in this day in age, Florida law still allows businesses to fire their employees simply for being who they are,â┚¬Â said Randolph in a media release. â┚¬Å”Not only is it wrong, but it also sends a terrible message to a community that has made invaluable contributions to our society, our culture, and our everyday lives.â┚¬Â

According to Randolph, currently 87 percent of Fortune 500 companies already prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and more than 55 percent of Floridians live in municipalities where these workplace protections exist because of the actions taken by local governments. The bill would make non-discrimination in the workplace the rule statewide.

â┚¬Å”It's even more important during these challenging economic times that we do not let the fear of discrimination prevent anyone from bringing their business, their family, or their talents to our state,â┚¬Â Randolph said.

Senator Nan Rich (D-Weston) is sponsoring the Senate version of the bill, SB 340.

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